How to Make a Minecraft Nether Portal


You can access The Nether through vanilla Minecraft’s portals.


You will find treasures hidden in Nether Fortresses, Bastions, and five other biomes within this dark dimension. With so many amazing things to find and uncover, like the rare ancient debris buried amongst the lowest levels of the world, there’s bound to be a tremendous amount of danger. From lava lakes to firey mobs, there’s so much to avoid and defeat in this biome, but it’s so worth the trip when you get the materials to make the portal.


To make a nether Portal, you will need the following items

You will require the following materials to make a craft: Nether PortalThese are: 

  1. At least 10 Obsidian
  2. Flint and Steel


How can you create a Nether portal with obsidian in your hand?


It all in a Nutshell

For the construction of a nether Portal, you’ll need 14 obsidian. It is recommended that the nether portal’s base be at least 4 obsidian in width and that the sides be at least 5 obsidian high. The design uses 14 obsidian blocks. You will need to activate your Nether Portal by using steel and flint on the obsidian frames.

With Pictures, a Step-by-Step guide:

The following is a step-by graphical guide to making a minecraft nether portal.

You will first need your obsidian in order to create a nether portal.

Obsidian is difficult to find and requires a netherite or diamond pickaxe. 


Obsidian can easily be made by pouring water on lava. But it is also possible to find it naturally underground. 


Obsidian can be created by pouring water over lava

You should mine at most 10 obsidian pieces, though it is better to have 14 for the complete portal.


After you’ve got your obsidian, it is time to start making your flint or steel.

Once you have your obsidian you need to make your flint and steel

You need both iron and flint to make steel. 


To make iron ingots, you can melt down iron ore, as illustrated below. 


You can collect Flint by breaking down gravel. A flint is created when you break down a few gravel pieces.


You can then make a survival crafting supply with flint or steel by placing two ingredients in the 2×2 grid. This will give you the flint or steel that is required to light your portal. This can be done on a crafting table.

Make the flint and steel you require to light the portal once constructed

Your portal is now ready to be built. Here is the portal shape. To fill the corners, substitute blocks can be used if there are not 14 obsidian pieces. You can still use this method.

Now you have to make your portal

To light your portal, right click on the link with the steel and flint.

Right click your portal with the flint and steel to light it

You can then enter the new dimension by making it glow purple.

It should start glowing purple, and then you can enter the new dimension


What is the best way to create a Nether Portal with no obsidian?


Some players, especially speedrunners and experienced Minecraft players, will use the game’s mechanics to their advantage to make their nether portal in the fastest possible way.


The trick is to use a bucket filled with water from a lava lake.


There are many places where you can find lava pools, including plains and desert biomes. But they’re most prevalent in desert biomes.


This technique is a bit tricky and takes a lot of practice, especially if players want to do it quickly as speedrunners do, but it’s completely worth it and cuts game time down significantly.


These are the steps to create a Nether Portal using obsidian. You can also watch this short video to see how it works.



First of all, the player must have a bucket. A bucket can be made with three iron pieces. However, you will still need the iron to make a flint or steel.


A desert biome might offer the opportunity for players to spawn near a temple with iron, if they are lucky!


You must first build a block to the lava lake in order to create the portal.

To make the portal you must build out a block into the lava pool


You will now need to add water around the block. Now you can add the obsidian.

Place water beside the block

You can now mine the block that you have placed in order to build your portal’s base.

Mine the block you placed to make the base of your portal


Make an upside-down L shape with additional blocks, as shown.

Make an upside down L-shape with more blocks

Next, place 2 blocks horizontally like the picture below.

Place two blocks horizontally as shown

Use the empty bucket to fill your portal with the surrounding lava. The sides should be three blocks tall and the base, top, and bottom of the portal two blocks in width.

Start filling the portal shape block by block with the lava surrounding

Once you have collected the water from the bucket, light the portal using your flint or steel to enter the Nether.

Light your portal with your flint and steel and enter the Nether


Explainer Video


FAQs about Nether Portal

Q. Q. Do portals need to be at least 4×5?

They must measure at least 4×5, though they may be larger. They can actually go up to a size of 23×23 blocks. When making Nether Portals you must ensure that the blocks are either square or rectangular. You cannot use them in any other form.

Q. Q.

Yes, they can. A nether portal can be used by almost every entity, including players and mobs as well as dropped items. Portals are open to all types of entities, including unoccupied minecarts.



Bravo! Now you have created a Nether Portal. You have so many things to do in the Nether since Minecraft 1.16. The generated structures in the Nether are really interesting to discover and search around, but make sure you aren’t killed by any of the mobs, as it will be a struggle getting back to your belongings. A lot of the mobs in the Nether are fire-oriented, as well, so it’s quite easy to lose your dropped items to a rogue blaze fire. 

Take care and have fun exploring.


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